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  • Colin Percival's avatar
    Replace a pair of 8-bit writes to VGA memory with a single 16-bit write. · 0b4d5eb8
    Colin Percival authored
    The VGA "text mode" buffer has a pair of bytes for each character: One
    byte for the character symbol, and an "attribute" byte encoding the
    foreground and background colours.  When updating the screen, we were
    writing these two bytes separately.
    On some virtualized systems, every write results in a glyph being redrawn
    into a (graphical) virtual screen; writing these two bytes separately
    results in twice as much work being done to draw characters, whereas if
    we perform a single 16-bit write instead, the character only needs to be
    redrawn once.
    On an EC2 c5.4xlarge instance, this change cuts 1.30s from the kernel boot,
    speeding it up from 8.90s to 7.60s.
    MFC after:	1 week