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  • Bryan Drewery's avatar
    sh: Fix the trap builtin to be POSIX-compliant for 'trap exit SIG' and 'trap n n...'. · a59f8174
    Bryan Drewery authored
    The parser considered 'trap exit INT' to reset the default for both EXIT and
    INT. This beahvior is not POSIX compliant. This was avoided if a value was
    specified for 'exit', but then disallows exiting with the signal received. A
    possible workaround is using ' exit'.
    However POSIX does allow this type of behavior if the parameters are all
    integers. Fix the handling for this and clarify its support in the manpage
    since it is specifically allowed by POSIX.
    Differential Revision:
    Reviewed by:	jilles
    MFC after:	2 weeks