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  • Rick Macklem's avatar
    nfscl: Fix NFSv4.1/4.2 mount recovery from an expired lease · c28cb257
    Rick Macklem authored
    The most difficult NFSv4 client recovery case happens when the
    lease has expired on the server.  For NFSv4.0, the client will
    receive a NFSERR_EXPIRED reply from the server to indicate this
    has happened.
    For NFSv4.1/4.2, most RPCs have a Sequence operation and, as such,
    the client will receive a NFSERR_BADSESSION reply when the lease
    has expired for these RPCs.  The client will then call nfscl_recover()
    to handle the NFSERR_BADSESSION reply.  However, for the expired lease
    case, the first reclaim Open will fail with NFSERR_NOGRACE.
    This patch recognizes this case and calls nfscl_expireclient()
    to handle the recovery from an expired lease.
    This patch only affects NFSv4.1/4.2 mounts when the lease
    expires on the server, due to a network partitioning that
    exceeds the lease duration or similar.
    MFC after:	2 weeks